Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Religion

Since my mother died March 2007, I have been taking a closer look at my religious beliefs, with some info from my sister. She suggested a New Age religion called Religious Science, also known as Science of Mind. Not to be confused with Christian Science or Scientology. My sister told me that the church of our childhood (Prebyterian) was ancient and out of date. No wonder I fell asleep at service. So I embraced my journey to find and better understand religion by online readings, going to various church services, and Edgar Cayce' s Association for Research ..and Enlightenment. So of course, being excited with any new found endeavor, I told my ex-wife and stepson, who are deeply into Rock Church. And like all blind sheep, they follow every word said by their pastor, without question. Even at my slightest hint of suggesting they come with me on Sunday to one of "my" churches, is met with a harsh disagreement of all religious issuses. Today, for example, I told them that The WAVE Church was having an Easter egg hunt for the kids, with over 30,000 eggs. My "X" said the easter bunny and egg hunts were "pegan". Gee, I guess she forgets all the easter baskets she made me buy and the pictures of my son on the Easter Bunny's lap. Hypocrite....look it up and you will see my "X"'s picture.

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