Friday, December 4, 2009

Ramdom Thoughts

1. You can have more degrees than a thermometer, but at the top of the ladder is God.
2. A man does not ask for directions. That is man law #15. If he asks, they will take away his man card and make him wear a tutu. That is why your car's GPS is in a woman's voice.
3. People don't see things as they really are. They see things as THEY are.
4. The only way you can change the way people see have to change the way you see yourself. Your life is a mirror of how you see yourself.
5. Fear is a self full-filling prophecy. If you think you will fail, then you will.
6. The tongue is the smallest part of the body, but it can control your path. Like a rudder on a boat. Small but directional.

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