Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Today actually started yesterday, if you can believe that. I went shopping with my son and ex-wife to buy my own Father's Day dinner. Since she was laid off last week, I decided to help her out, just a little. The stepson and her came to the conclusion that since our bill last time, eating out at Ruby Tuesday was about $85 for four adults, why not take that same money and spend it on groceries and therefore, get more bang for the buck. Capital idea! Finally, they caught on. This morning, before church, I had a drop off appointment at Petsmart for the family dog. After church, I was informed that he might have a cancerous growth at the opening of his anus. A very tender area, indeed. As I was changing my clothes in preparation to go to my son's and ex's for the day, I received a phone call from a former roommate. His father had passed away about 1:30 pm today, after being taken off life support a few days ago.
I guess I am just ranting, because today has been an emotional roller coaster. Happy at church and happy that it is Father's Day. Sad because a friend lost their father and the family dog (Spike) has cancer for the 2nd time in 2 years. We have had him since he was a puppy, for about 7 years now. Financially, we can't afford another $800 surgery and besides, what good would it do? It would be money wasted in what are already tough times. Sad really, but there it is.

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