Monday, July 20, 2009

Another episode of Redneck Roommates

I would think, if I had a nice back yard with a wooden patio deck, that I would entertain my guest there instead of the front yard. It seems so bizarre to have a BBQ and friends party in the front yard, near the street. After all, isn't that what a back yard is for? Hence the name, "back yard BBQ", "back yard patio", and "back yard party". That by itself is bad enough. Now add the music box, loud talk and laughter, off key singing and whistling, and the occasional showoff of manhood. How does a drunk redneck show off his manhood? No.....not like that. Get your mind out of the gutter! He does it by bringing his dumbbells (pun intended) and barbells out for all to see.
So let me see if I got this right. First they do a couple of reps of lifting weights. Drink a beer. A couple more reps. Smoke a cig. Followed by more reps. Then it's the next guys turn, to try and out do the previous guy. And if all of this wasn't enough. THEN they have to get out the trumpet and play to the radio. Did I mention, that this continues after dark, often late into the night? What about the noise violation code? Good question. Believe it or not, no one has ever called the police or even came over to ask them to keep it down. Scared I guess. Well, at least they aren't playing one hole golf, like they did a few months back. Each one of them claim to be the "Master of The Universe" whenever they beat the last guy's score. Did I mention it was only one hole?

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